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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Who Needs Complicated Advice??

When you are trying to improve your golf swing the LAST thing you need is complicated advice that is over your head..... and sticks in your head..... and muddles your brain..... which leads to you thinking of "everything".

Now don't get me wrong, PGA golf instructors are excellent at what they do.  I highly recommend you work with one as long as he fits your goals.  Selecting a golf instructor should mimic the same process that you would use to choose your dentist, family physician or pediatrician. 

If you have lots of time and money, a PGA pro can completely break down your swing and build it back up.  Please understand that this process requires the student to spend a lot of time on the range working on the "new" techniques.

Now to the dark side of some PGA instructors.  To put it bluntly, they give you a little assistance and "encourage" you to take a series of lessons from them.  Unfortunately, some of these guys are interested in "volume" of clients instead of offering some "quicker fixes" that will satisfy the student in one or two lessons.  Understand that the money they charge for their lessons is theirs.  They rely on this for personal income.

Ok, for those of you who have followed this blog and have read my free golf swing tips, you know that I like to give you "simple" things to do to improve your swing.  I don't want to go all technical on you and make swinging a golf club more complicated than it really is.  I also don't believe in "cloning" all of my students to swing the club the same way.  No two swings are alike.

Here is your free golf swing tip for the week.  Get a piece of paper and write this down.  Hell, this is so simple, you can remember it without writing it down.  Here it is!!!

Repeat this 10 times.  The next time you play golf, say these words to yourself before you hit every shot.

Yep... if on your backswing (takeaway) you take the club away and get your left should to touch your chin (as close as you can) and on the downswing touch your right shoulder to your chin, you have put yourself in position to hit solid golf shots.  Now there are many technical reasons this is effective and I could bore you to death with explanations, but who the hell cares!!   Don't clutter your mind over this great game, keep it simple and enjoy the game.

"The Shot Maker"

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