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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Beginners Golf Tip

Here is a short and effective golf tip that will help the beginner golfer or the struggling seasoned golfer.  Again, like most of my free golf tips, I try to give you golf drills that you can do at home.  Then you have no excuse for not practicing!

The biggest thing that beginning golfers struggle with is hitting the grass with the club.  By this I mean they try to pick the ball off of the grass and have shots that result in topped balls or thin shots that only roll.  To get the ball to fly, the club must strike the ball with a descending blow on the back of the ball.  Most of this problem is caused by not having good control of your strong golf hand and arm.  What in the world is your "strong golf hand and arm", you ask?  Well, if you are a rightie, it's you left.  The right hand if you are a left handed golfer.

Here's the free golf tip..... take your 9 iron and grip it with your "strong golf arm and hand only". Grip down on the club a little so you can control it better and then just practice swinging with that arm only at twigs, leaves, golf tees..... anything you can focus on.  Try to keep your arm from bending as you do this.

Improving your control of your strong golf hand and arm will dramatically improve your ball striking.  Remember, your "weak golf arm and hand", has very little to do with your golf swing.  It is mainly there for the ride to stabilize your club, not to hit the ball with.

If you have any questions you would like addressed, let me know and I will cover it.  If you enjoy the blog, become a follower by signing up on the right.

"The Shot Maker"

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