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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pre-Shot Routine and Visualization

Shot Taker.... you asked for it.... you get it!  

My golf team reminds me some times that I might be a bit too "brutally honest" with them at times.  Sometimes they think they need some lovin' from the Coach.  Well, I don't often give it, because players tend to feel sorry for themselves enough without me contributing to their pity parties.  "Suck it Up" is the operative phrase used most of the time.

As for you Shot Taker, that very visual description of your last round made me cry.  Here is my pride and joy student crawling his way around the last 4 holes of a golf course, stealing Gatorade from his diabetic brother while slobbering and sweating profusely by a golf green at the "exclusive" club of which he is a member of for the first time.  Please don't tell me you finished the round by jumping in the pool!! 

Ok... tough love coming up.  You goal is to make the final cut in the City Tournament, not win a part in Caddyshack III.  Then you have the balls to ask me for help regarding your lack of concentration and failure of your pre-shot routine down the stretch.  For Christ's sake man, you were barely alive!  Pretty hard to concentrate on any routine or plan for your next shot when all you can see is the next mountain you must climb!

As for your plan, you need to do some additional "walking" every day in the heat.  Leave the clubs at home and carry a gallon of water with you and beat the streets big boy.  You have to be in a position where you can "easily" walk 18 holes.  If not, the best pre-shot routine in the world will fold like a cheap tent.  You must be in a position where you can focus on your next golf shot instead of your next (possibly last) breath.

Now, should you make it to the finals and you convince me to caddy for you, I must have a promise that I am not going to have to drag your clubs and your ass up to the green on the last 4 holes.  I can handle the clubs and can read a few putts for you, but I absolutely cannot carry you!

Ok... the key to the preshot routine is to do it the same every time.... at the same pace.... every time.  If you get distracted (pass out), wake up and use your preshot routine to find your golf rhythm again.  This routine will get you through the pressure moments of your round and will be you safe zone.

When you practice or play this week, I want you to focus on a very tiny specific landmark in the fairway or on the green.  I want you to try to land your ball on that specific mark.  Like my team hears all the time "Aim Small, Miss Small".

Let's hope the next report you have is more encouraging than this last one!

"The Shot Maker" 

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